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TSCS 2025

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Inventory Accuracy – Resilience and Efficiency

It’s nothing new to suggest that inventory accuracy is an essential part of maintaining the efficiency and resilience of your supply chain, nor is it groundbreaking to deploy a WMS which you hope will take care of this for you. But the reality is that your WMS recorded inventory is only as good as the data you supply it with. 

Inventory accuracy isn’t just about the numbers; it’s about delivering on customer expectations, minimising costs, and maximising efficiency. By prioritising inventory accuracy, businesses can lay a solid foundation for success in supply chain management.  

Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, producer or anything in between, an independent and expert party, like Orridge Supply Chain Services, can offer you assistance to ensure that inventory accuracy is on point at any time in your supply chain. This means that existing resources can be deployed elsewhere on other key challenges. 

Orridge has a suite of innovative approaches, including methodologies like Pick AccuracyPerpetual Inventory and Good Faith Receiving, which all underpinned with the skill, independence and professionalism born from experience.  Accurate inventory tracking data allows businesses to make informed decisions regarding procurement, production, and distribution. It ensures that the right products are available in the right quantities, minimising stockouts and reducing excess inventory, moving your business to that pure efficiency goal

Our depth of knowledge and experience means we can offer services which will not impact your day-to-day activities. We meld seamlessly with your existing operations: we can connect our IT with your WMS, so you can be sure all data is robust. We then analyse the data to identify weaknesses in your supply chain which you may never have known existed. 

How do we do it and why can it work for you? Much of what we do is self-funding for you, where the benefits far outweigh the costs. We know that each supply chain is different, so the first step is a free consultation, after which we develop your bespoke solution.

Getting a conversation with us is easy and can open your mind to the possibility of a healthier, more resilient and more effective supply chain.


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