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Post Brexit Supply Chain execution – managing disruption, testing resilience

By Elanders

The supply chain operational challenges caused by Brexit, compounded with the COVID-19 pandemic, have really tested the effectiveness and resilience of some current supply chain solutions. Managing the extra customs documentation; working out now what UK operational supply chain solutions are best for an organisation, the cost of getting things wrong – these and more challenges are raising the importance today of effective and agile supply chain operations.

Many market surveys in recent weeks constantly seem to report back that supply chain solutions and effectiveness post Brexit have the strong possibility of impacting overall business performance. For some organisations post Brexit, maintaining the customer market promise and service support when things go wrong for some has been a massive challenge. What was thought to be an effective supply chain solution pre-Brexit (and COVID-19) – for some, has rapidly been exposed. Global economies and extended supply chains are now seriously being challenged and recreated:

  • Brexit itself has been a one-off challenge for organisations to understand, navigate and maintain business continuity in the short term. 
  • Brexit for many has now identified that today’s supply chain solution needs a complete rethink, with a revised strategy now required that has an agile operational solution behind it. 
  • Brexit may be a unique challenge to manage today – but supply chain change and disruption will be a constant part of every business’s focus from now on. 

Elanders UK Supply Chain solutions provide businesses with an alternative. Global coverage but delivered locally to the specific customer needs. Managing the post Brexit challenges on documentation, visibility and movements; working out for your business what the new storage strategy and the associated operational solution should now be all requires a combination of executional capability, practical experience and business partnership. 

Our bonded warehouse solutions in mainland Europe and in the UK with dedicated customs experts; our end-to-end global supply chain execution solutions – these all combine to support many leading global organisations create and maintain their post-Brexit supply chain operational solution for today’s needs – but we are also agile and innovative to meet tomorrow’s challenges. 

To find out more please visit www.elanders.co.uk/brexit-services/ or contact us at addingvalue@elanders.com.


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