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Supply Chains 2023 – A dramatic focus shift in business requirement

By Elanders

As global economies start to extract themselves out from the grip of COVID restrictions, with the need for businesses to continuously pivot and adapt to short term blockages and lockdowns, the role of the supply chain has rapidly moved up the Board level agendas.

The short-term impacts like rising container shipping costs on core routes; the Suez Canal blockage; compounded by more longer-term impacts like the rise in e-commerce and Trade relationship changes (like Brexit) – it looks like the future will be based on a platform of continuous change and challenge for many organisations.

Supply chains must adapt and adapt quickly. The relationship between customers, their supply chain and any partners used in that supply chain will no doubt change as the post COVID transition period continues.

So, what can all this mean for a supply chain solution? One word and solution covers the many possible outcomes, and that word is “agility”. Where in the past, a customer may have tried to functionally optimise specific individual supply chain elements in isolation, going forwards he will no doubt need to synchronise the complete supply chain process and solution.

Organisations that provide just a single service or capability may well struggle – ones that can offer customers multiple solution capabilities will be the ones that drive the agendas and growth. The rise in environmental and sustainability of a supply chain has also started to impact corporate decision making – where in the past supply chain solutions were maybe chosen on cost and capability, going forwards it could be about sustainability / environment and customer service solutions that drive the agendas.

Agility in design and agility in supply chain execution will require new relationships between supply chain parties – one based on true integration capability, flexibility in business relationship and a wide geographical coverage. Welcome to the Integrated agile supply chain partner.

The Elanders Group is already well on the way to supporting its customers with the integrated offer.  Today, we are already offering the integrated solution capability:

  • Designing environmentally friendly e-commerce packaging for products that are then managed through agile e-commerce solution hubs, using the latest technology. 
  • When the product has reached its end-of-life stage, Elanders offers a value recovery solution that feeds into the circular economy strategic objective.
  • Sustainable solutions; customer service raised via integrated supply chain visibility; depth in solution execution with breadth in solution capability; responsive without a large corporate noose; business focused with the agile financial backing.

An agile complete supply chain provider that has an integrated customer focused offer today. Elanders Group – meeting the supply chain business needs of 2023 – today.

For further info please visit Elanders website www.elanders.co.uk or contact us on addingvalue@elanders.com


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