Call for HMRC to reform plastic packaging tax

Less than one in five of forecasted businesses have registered for the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) since its launch in April 2022, casting doubts on the effectiveness of the levy and whether it is achieving its environmental goals. That’s according to GoPlasticPallets Managing Director Jim Hardisty, who asserts that the low registration rate and “baffling […]
Do you specialise in Total End-to-End Solutions? We want to here from you!

Each month on Supply Chain Briefing we’ll be shining the spotlight on a different part of the logistics market – and in May we’ll be focussing on Total End-to-End Solutions. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help supply chain industry buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you’re a […]
American online consumers have a craving for UK products

The US e-commerce market is the second largest in the world. Surpassed only by the Chinese, which underwent an almost improbable development in the last ten years. The Americans are keen and experienced online shoppers. According to the IPC* Cross-border E-commerce Shopper survey 2022, more than 50 percent of the US online audience shopped online […]
Cybersecurity risk a primary buying consideration for Chief Supply Chain Officers

By 2025, 60% of supply chain organisations will use cybersecurity risk as a significant determinant in conducting third-party transactions and business engagements. As the surface area of digital supply chains expand, enhanced cybersecurity is a key theme that Chief Supply Chain Officers (CSCOs) will look to scale this year. “Our survey data has shown an […]
Total Supply Chain Summit: All your needs covered for 2023 and beyond

There’s a complimentary place reserved for you to attend the Total Supply Chain Summit – Can you afford not to claim it? Your complimentary pass includes; an itinerary of pre-arranged meetings with innovative, budget-saving solution providers, insightful seminars led by industry thought leaders, plus all meals and refreshments. All places also include an evening drinks reception and […]
Is carbon management crucial for a clean supply chain win?

As the urgency to combat global warming intensifies, enterprises are increasingly adopting rapid decarbonisation practices to align their business strategies with sustainable development goals (SDGs). With a focus on addressing the dual crises of climate change and the ongoing destruction of natural ecosystems, businesses are at the forefront of sustainability efforts and are highly interested […]
Securing data Value

Perimeter security is flawed on many levels. Not only are businesses in every industry routinely breached but this model provides the same level of security for all data, irrespective of its value. As a result, when hackers are able to access a network, identifying and extracting valuable data can take less than half a day. […]
Do you specialise in Warehouse Management Software? We want to hear from you!

Each month on Supply Chain Briefing we’ll be shining the spotlight on a different part of the logistics market – and in April we’ll be focussing on Warehouse Management Software. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help supply chain industry buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you’re a […]
UK Fleet Champions Awards 2023 – Entries now open!

The UK Fleet Champions Awards are back for 2023, celebrating the work of fleet organisations striving to prevent road deaths and injuries and reduce pollution caused by work vehicles. After more than a decade of fleet awards programmes in the UK, and following the success of last year’s glittering ceremony, the 2023 edition will once […]
Retail logistics: The year that was, and preparing for the retail year ahead…

2022 continued to present an array of challenges for retail, logistics and supply chain professionals. Although Covid19-related restrictions were lifted, its challenges were replaced by the war in Ukraine and the subsequent knock-on-effects relating to it; including energy cost increases, a rise in inflation and cost-of-living, and sustainability concerns. Meaning, for many retailers agility has […]