Global enterprise ready to spend $70bn on smart energy solutions

Businesses are being compelled to reassess their energy purchase agreements with utilities, contemplate installing renewable microgrid systems, and prioritise energy efficiency, spending a stunning $70 billion on smart energy solutions by 2030. That’s according to ABI Research, which points to escalating energy prices posing a formidable obstacle to businesses and industries worldwide. It predicts that […]
73% of average supply chain IT budget ‘will be allocated to growth and performance’

As organisations place greater emphasis on supply chain management, Chief Supply Chain Officers (CSCOs) intend to grasp their collective opportunity to invest in growth through new technology investments. That’s according to a survey of 499 supply chain leaders undertaken by Gartner from October through December 2022 in North America, Latin America, Western Europe and the […]
Building the business case for Satellite IoT

The Operational IoT market continues to expand as organisations across the world imagine an extraordinary range of opportunities to leverage sensor technology. Weather monitoring stations are transforming the efficiency and environmental performance of remote copper mines and helping farmers to safeguard crops and livestock in a changing climate. The shipping industry is improving cargo traceability […]
SAVE THE DATE: Total Supply Chain Summit – October 2023

If you couldn’t make last week’s Total Supply Chain Summit, don’t panic! The second of our 2023 events will take place on October 16th & 17th. It’s free for you to attend and could help you reduce your expenditure by matching you up with innovative suppliers who match your business requirements. So register today to secure your […]
Do you specialise in finding supply chain Cost Reductions? We want to hear from you!

Each month on Supply Chain Briefing we’ll be shining the spotlight on a different part of the logistics market – and in June we’ll be focussing on Cost Reductions. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help supply chain industry buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you’re a Cost […]
Revealed: The solutions supply chain and logistics professionals need in 2023

3PL, Distribution and Logistics Management top the list of services the UK’s leading supply chain and logistics professionals are sourcing in 2023. The findings have been revealed ahead of next week’s Total Supply Chain Summit and are based on delegate requirements at the first of two events in this year. Delegates registering to attend were […]
Research pinpoints top five smart factory implementation risks

Smart factory operations can help supply chain leaders achieve many of their highest priorities, but the challenges are too often underestimated. That’s according to research from Gartner, which says successful smart factory initiatives require accompanying cultural and operational transformations that are slow by nature and in many cases will require entirely new organisational designs to […]
The Total Supply Chain Summit is next week – Will you be there?

This is your last chance to claim a complimentary delegate place at the Total Supply Chain Summit – Can you afford not to be there? Your complimentary pass includes; an itinerary of pre-arranged meetings with innovative, budget-saving solution providers, insightful seminars led by industry thought leaders, plus all meals and refreshments. All places also include […]
70% of businesses ramping up investment in supplier risk detection

Moody’s Analytics research into third party risk management shows that the threat to reputations is a key driver of investment in supplier risk detection. Key findings include 69% of businesses say they do not have the necessary visibility over their supply chains to uncover risk in their organisational networks to avoid reputational harm. Meanwhile, 70% of […]
Managing the perennial problem of returns

The challenge of managing returns is not new. Traditionally this service and option has been free for many online shoppers to take advantage of. However, many retailers are planning to charge for returns as they strive to curtail the impact of this problem on their revenue. 25% of the UK’s leading brands are now charging […]